Deloitte Digital Connect (DDC) supports charities with expertise, advice and a network to support their digital development.

Deloitte Digital Connect has so far delivered three six-month support programmes to cohorts of charities and social enterprises. The third cohort wrapped up in June 2024; take a look at the participant list here. Support - delivered by Deloitte volunteers alongside CAST staff members - consisted of one-to-one mentoring, troubleshooting, workshops, peer support, device donations and pro bono assistance.
The support enabled charities to develop digital strategies, improve website accessibility, and ensure their support aligned with beneficiary needs.
The most recent cohort completed the programme in June 2024, and survey results were very positive: 100% of respondents stated that they felt more confident in applying user-centred practices to their research and also in undertaking user research to understand beneficiaries’ needs, whilst 95% expressed increased confidence in leading digital projects. Positive feedback was also received from the Deloitte volunteers, with post-programme comments highlighting the smooth matching experience, clear goals and social sector insight opportunities - and 100% of survey respondents stating that they would like to volunteer again.
Read about the launch of the initial programme; the first cohort's journeys and reflections on the first programme. And take a look at the CAST Medium for lots more blogs, interviews and case studies.
Many of the resources used in the programme have been shared; you can access more than 100 tools, guides, blogs and other resources at the open access Deloitte Digital Connect Hub. And you can access blogs from experts DOT PROJECT (on digital strategy) and Good Things Foundation (on digital inclusion).
Find out more about Deloitte Digital Connect here - and access 100+ free resources via the open access resource hub here.
The programme provided an excellent opportunity for me to confront my biases about what I thought my organisation needed. I left with the knowledge of how to identify and address those needsParticipant, cohort 1
My mentor from Deloitte has been so helpful and flexible when my project has shifted focus or been delayed. I have found her support the most reassuring and tailored to my needsParticipant, cohort 2
I think the combination of workshops, mentoring and peer support, all centred around the core process has been most impactful and useful. Each element has been useful in a different way!Participant, cohort 3
Click on the video below to watch a snapshot of testimonials from participants on the first two cohorts of the programme
This programme is currently closed to new applicants, but you can find out about all of CAST's available programmes and resources here.